Monday, January 11, 2010

Can Jeans Change Your Life?

Well, they changed mine, anyway. Here's how: I'm thrifty. I prefer "thrifty" because I'm not cheap. Or even frugal. And definitely not penny-pinching. Thrifty: this means I live my spending life according to two key questions:

Do I need it or want it?
How can I spend the least amount possible to buy it?

Clothes are one way I ponder these questions, sometimes daily. We have five people in our house and, yes, they all wear clothes. Nakedness is so out. Thus, we must purchase clothing for three growing children, one picky woman, and one XXLT man.
That's a lot of cotton.
Since I dress most according to mood and function, I find my clothes encompass what I call the Colorado "caz" - aka jeans and t-shirts. I also wear gym clothes. But only 3-4 days a week, after which I shower and then change into one of the aforementioned ensembles. So, I used to figure, why buy high-priced brands when I can shop clearance?

While I still adhere to this principal of shopping, I've added just one small addendum. After Judsen was born and I spent the next year sweating my way back to pre-baby size - for the third time, ugh - we knew we weren't having any more children, and I started wondering, "Why not invest in what fits my body and makes me feel best? There's now no more rubber-banding as I swell and shrink according to pregnancy, so now's the best time to look and feel my best, right?" Right. Enter jeans changing my life.

If women's fashion had but one commandment, I'm certain it would be "Know what works for your body and wear it." Period. Levi jeans work for my body. All of them. Really. 501 straight slouch? Check. 505 button fly super lowcut dark? Check. 524 boot-cut, wide-tab, twist wash? Check. I never need to alter my size. I never need to wonder about the cut.
They. Just. Fit.
And oh do they feel good! Now, they are not Lucky's. They are not 7's. They bear no fruit on the pocket, no designer name on the band. But they're also not the cheapest...that is, if you get the bonified brand. But wearing them makes me feel comfortable and functional. And pretty. And all those feelings are important. And that's okay. So now I buy just one jean - that's all that's in my closet. Now I'm not suggesting all women have to do this: I'm merely suggesting we consider figuring out what we want to prioritize in our wardrobe according to the simple mantra of buying what we need because it fits and it feels good. Oh, and did I tell you the kicker?

I found a little-known gem on the web: Here, you can buy Levi's Original ("Bonified") Blues. I shop their clearance and wait to receive a free shipping code via email. I never buy a pair for more than $19.90. Yummy for the wallet.

So, do I want it or need it? A bit of both, I suppose. How can I spend the least amount possible to buy it? Find a gem like I did, knowing I'm adhering to a life discipline and feeling good about the product all the while.
Ah, Levi's.
They have changed my life.

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