Monday, April 26, 2010

Judd Squared

Yep, he's two! As of April 17th, 2010, Judsen Ames is now squared. We no longer have ginormous parties with a ton of crying little "cuties" ('cuz, really, they're not) with gift bags they just break or lose as they spread cake crumbs near and far. Instead, we keep these young ages more simple and mark the occasion as it comes...usually with good friends and a memorable day.

While it's true that Colorado Springs boasts roughly 325 days of sunshine per anum, we're apparently burning through about 20 of the remaining 40 in the month of April. So, though we'd planned to grill hamburgers and hot dogs for the little tots joining us, when Craig became soaked just trying to ignite the grill, we called it a day and brought the BBQ inside. Two families came over for dinner and, between the 3 of us, the kiddo bounty was plentiful - 11 in all!

The kids devoured cheese balls on dinosaur plates...
and devoured cake (store-bought with butter cream frosting, of course! If the kids decide they ever want some other version, I may have to protest.)

We lit his #2 candle for him
and sang "Happy Birthday" - he'd no idea what to make of that. So, in classic Judsen style, he just smiled and winked and went on merrily with life.
Afterward, he opened his gift from us...a Little People castle we'd been saving just for him...since Christmas even!

He plays with it non-stop, pulling on Bubba's sleeve every morning after breakfast chanting, "Cassle? Cassle? Cassle?"

The week's events were topped off with an annual checkup to Dr. McCaffrey who informed us Judd's head is in the 99th percentile (big surprise, there) and, at 20.5 pounds and 36 3/4", he's a strong 60th and 75 percentile, respectively, in body.

In other words, grow on, little man! 

We can't wait to see who you'll become!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Big Boy!!! Has it really been two years already???
