Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Smile Speaks for Itself

I do not know whom she will marry.
Or the name of the street she'll call home.
Not the mountains she'll conquer or the hills she'll traverse.

Really, I know very little of precisely who this lovely little girl will grow to be.

But of two truths, I'm certain:
she will know her Maker. And she will always love the creatures He makes.

She woos them.
Or they woo her: one can never clearly espy the difference.

This time, I got it on film.

Step 1: Spot them from afar.

Step 2: Bribe their territorial mother.
Got 'em!
The smile speaks for itself.
Epilogue: The girl who tried this same approach moments later was flogged by the territorial mother. Just sayin'.


  1. Candice,

    I just want you to know how beautiful your words are to me. I love how I feel like I know your kids just through your writing about them.

    Thank you for sharing your life with us.

    The Agnews

  2. What a blessing of encouragement, Kelley. My cup runneth over. Blogs, I think, are a great way to express the heart...much like you do, too, on Puree Away.
    Praying for you guys in this season. Big hug!
