Thursday, July 21, 2011

Beautiful Just the Same

Vacation is a strange neither here nor there portal that brandishes a considerable effect on the soul: it requires you to be. Usually not where you want, how you want, or when you want, granted: but, ironically, no matter how you map it or plan it to an early grave, the very "free nature" of vacation muscles you into simply being.

It comes as little surprise to me, then, that I can't remember entirely every time we stopped for gas on our road trip...but I remember how that gas powered the Silver Bullet while we shed tears of joy laughing at Elijah inquiring, "Um, did that guy singing just say he farted?" (The lyric is "She got too close so I fought it." But in Elijah's world, he heard...yeah. Funny, right?)

It comes as little surprise to me, then, that I don't care if my derriere is in the shot (at least not for myself: to you, I extend an earnest apology): I love this
because it's a moment captured of me mothering my tiniest son. It's simple. And endearing. And I don't know what that looks like because, well, I'm the one doing it and I don't have eyes outside my body. (Don't tell said tiniest son, though.) Someday, this boy will tower over me. But I'll have this picture to remember my last begotten blessing was once my tiny gift - and, in the heart, always will be, no matter his height.

It also comes as little surprise to me that my honey snapped this one since it's quintessentially me:
Even in the midst of eye-popping mountains, Aspens, and Evergreens, I must stop and check the time (being back before our designated 45-minute time slot expires is essential, dontchaknow?) But you know what else is me? The woman changed by four beautiful hearts who remind me to stop and preserve this sensory delight.

The early 20-something too focused on a task, not yet broadened and deepened by The Love of Four would have paid little to no mind. But, seriously, just look at it.

Want to hear it?


I really do have that!

Here ya go.

And let me not forget to mention the least surprise of all: that the escaping moments of vacation push me faster - deeper - into a freefall of love for her.
And him.
Or them.
They enlighten me to what is beautiful around me...               
beside me...
 Touching me.
And coming to life from within me.

These moments are of what the heart is made.
Not perfect.
But beautiful just the same.

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