Wednesday, April 13, 2011

When I Get the Bucks Back

I'm all about Costco. Not Sam's. Costco.
Warning: This can divide or unite the Tribe of Warehouse Shoppers. Breathe deeply, if necessary.

When we lived in Alaska, warehouse shopping was a way of life for most - the cost of milk alone would pay for your membership twofold. In fact, most residents of the Last Frontier hold two club memberships: one to Costco, and one to Sam's. Ironically, we were military then so the commissary was our primary stop...but, oh my, how times have changed.

The advantages of membership are plenty, but some are bigger than others:
  1. I get some bucks back for my spending.
  2. They issue coupons for their items.
  3. Generics are excellent and nearly always cheaper.
  4. The bakery is absurdly delicious! (Hmmmm....which one doesn't belong?)
As you can see, where shopping is concerned, I'm cash driven.

Anyhow, they have one more policy that makes my "I'm on a budget, people!" heart go pitter-pat: they price adjust. Like Target. But all things are in the warehouse world.

A month ago, we bought a Norton package. For 50 bucks. Craig saw it went on sale online. So I took my receipt back.

And left with 25 more dollars in my pocket than when I came -
which I promptly spent on a birthday gift for a friend, a new shirt for Elijah, a "You're 3!!!" present for Judsen, and a $5 lunch for me and that same tot.

See...I can make a buck stretch. With coupons. And sales. And time spent.

Especially when I get the bucks back.

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