Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Day in Music

While occupying the front chair before the big screen called my desk, my
brain is a sundry of to-do tasks - could be grocery lists or emails,
grades or blogs, loves me or loves me nots...whatever. During these
times, I click on my music shell and hit the "random" shuffle button.

An everyday action so dull as to be completely without merit of interest, right?

Except that it never - I mean, never - fails to amaze me how that
playlist ends up reflecting my inner - thing...whatever it is. Indeed, if one plotted on a grid those days of at-home desk time and matched that with the tunes spitting forth, she'd have quite the aria of my life as I knew it that day.

I chuckled when I chanced to look at today's list (I've listed it below): is it possible that, in all things, God really is Master and Lord? And, if so, is there such a thing that is too small for consideration? So, I've learned to pay attention to what I hear now... a discipline I'm trying to improve in all areas of my life - sadly, unceasingly so in some, I sometimes feel. And I know, now, that if there's lots of Glee tunes, shaken with doses of Plain White T's, stirred with some senseless Train...well, then a happy day I've surely got. Some mournful Sara Bareilles joined by the more introspective renderings of Switchfoot and The Civil Wars or Muse finds me pensive or resigned. But, now again, I'll have a day like today's - all over the place.

Which is entirely how I feel right now.

In other words, maybe the music doesn't so much make the man as it tells the story that does.
Either way, a day in music is telling...whoever you think is narrating.

Broken - Lifehouse
Supermassive Black Hole - Muse
Ain't No Sunshine - Lighthouse Family
That's Why God Made the Moom - John Elefante (our wedding dance song, btw)
I'm Alive - Kenny Chesney
Poison and Wine - The Civil Wars
Kryptonite - 3 Doors Down (insert shout out to the memory of David Hames here)
Clair de Lune - Debussy
Faithfully - Journey
The Story - Brandi Carlisle
Let It Go - Fauxliage
Bridge Over Troubled Water - Simon & Garfunkel
Try A Little Tenderness - Otis Redding

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