Sunday, August 1, 2010

Yep, we're still "Staycationing"

If you read us regularly, you know the Covak fam is committed to staycation. A few years ago, a friend of mine from college posted she and her clan were "basking in staycation."

"What's this??" I thought. I'd certainly never heard of this mindset, so what was it about? At my query, she filled me in. And I swear I heard music from the heavens.

This was it! I was sure of it! The tri-perfecta of gettin'-away success by marrying bursts of budget with optimal peace of mind and memory-making bliss. No phones, no computers, no outside world. Nothing but fun as we saw fit: pajamas all day or day trips away or outings with good friends ended with fine meals and the luxuries they lend.

A tradition was born.

In fact, just last night, Craig and I were re-evaluating the practicality and reward of our usually tri-annual soiree and found we still prefer it to an annual vacation blowout. Not that we're against more traditional vacations. But, for us, there's something about forgoing massive hotel bills or all-inclusive resort fees - not to mention monstrous airfare travels that limit us to a comb and underwear for luggage while we haul 3 less-than exuberant children through security checkpoints and airport bathrooms - that makes us say, " THIS is relaxing!" Usually at Spring Break, Fall Break, and once in the summer, we take 3-5 days and just escape from the whirlwind to retreat as a family (with limited funds spent)...and never once is it a regret.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: consider staycationing with the fam. It's far easier than you might think and definitely affordable: but remember you control the purse strings, the agenda, and the degree of difficulty.
It's vacation at its finest.
It could be two days of pjs and movies, popcorn and pizza.
Or it could be a 4-hour drive to a "nearby" city you've never been.
You could become a tourist in your own city, picking some stops you've never made to partake in local treasures you haven't unearthed.
You could spend $100 or less. Or more.
You can use coupons or go crazy.
Clean or don't.
Cook or order-out.
Dress up or tone it down.

It's entirely up to you.

But, if you try, I think you'll find...adventure after'll find yourself telling others, "Yep, we're still staycationing."

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