Thursday, November 12, 2009

Yeah, he's that good.

I've discovered another exceptional writer. While not enirely new to the scene, he is widely unknown to popular audiences. Nevertheless, I came upon him and find him brilliantly gifted: he's a linguistic guru in the genre of historic fiction, particularly in the novella subclass. This means that, while his books are relatively brief in lenth (think circa 180 pages), they are all based on historic events. But wait - there's more!
He's also strongly centered on the vignettes of multiple characters: thus, you experience the given focal event of the novel through the multiples eyes of its players.
His name is Adam Braver.
I just finished November 22, 1963 which is, of course, about the assassination of John F. Kennedy (a subject, by the way, which holds my extensive fascination). And I just started Mr. Lincoln's Wars. He's also written Crows Over the Wheatfields (which I'm heading to as quickly as I can) and Divine Sarah, if you're searching about.
He is, in my humble but expert opinion, one of the genius's of the literary century.

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