Monday, June 27, 2011

To Take Along, Too

After the rigors (and rewards) of discovering Just What I Needed, it was off to High Country.

Aside: Did you know the term designates the area of land laying above the piedmont but below the timberline? And what's a piedmont, you ask? Don't know. But I'm smitten with the term "High Country" anyway because a sojourn to Summit County always include an interlude from sanity into the bliss of a Rocky Mountain High. Or, in 60's terms, I dig it.

This year, we sold our outgrew-it timeshare; but, since not traversing to the "Got Oxygen?" altitude of circa 14K feet was a no-go, I set out to find a gem in Dillon. What I hunted up led to this shot Zitz took from our back balcony deck.

I brandished a similar shot to my brother while visiting in Iowa. His snappy comeback? "Hate you."
Well, I'd not fall in love with me either if this was dangled in front of my living-in-IA face (no offense, home's hard to compare).

We trekked up with the Zitzmann's and our collective 8 children to take over our two adjoining condos for a few days of summer fun. Catching a getaway with this treasured family isn't a novel concept since we've hit a few over the years, but this was our first longer-term overnighters endeavor. In dating terms, I'd guess it'd be akin to the first trip away together. And, let me tell ya, coordinating 8 kids, 4 adults, 5 meals, and all the sundries related, is no small feat. But "fun" emerged as the label of the day, and good times (and good memories) were made by all.

We hit Keystone Village to feed the giant rainbow trout and geese on the lake.

Judd's hands looked like this most of the morning, accompanied with a rather urgent, "Need more food! Need more food!" Of course, he fed them one kernel at a time.

We also did a week bit of hiking along Sapphire Point where we emptied the bag of sunflower seeds - a local favorite that's one of those "might be outside recommendations but the rangers smile on it anyway" scenarios. 
 From toddlerhood, Grace had a way with the four-legged variety of friends...then along came Elijah showing the same zing for fur and wing.

But this was our first experience watching Judd render the same mojo. Their personalities are so different from one another - it's a joy to see a not-too -shabby commonality bloom between them.

Off the beaten path (but starting in a paved parking lot, go figure), the hiking path leads to this grand you've seen each year if you've been a Renderings reader for a while.

We even snagged a shot of just the two of us on "the rock" - aka the spot where everyone takes their Christmas card picture. I don't recall having one like this since before Gracie. Thanks, Zitz.
And, to make the outing perfect, Elijah took my hand while we hiked along a stretch together...
...which is another marking of a faithful Rendering reader - you know how I love snapshots of my kiddos' hands and feet. Someone asked why last week: I posted on FB that it was because, one day when they're big, they'll be reminders of how they once were so small.

No trip to the Point would be complete without this annual shot:
I've been taking it since Elijah was a wee one - I could line them up in a row to see the age progression of Big Daddy and Little Bebes. Love that.

Before we knew it, it was time to begin the next leg of vacay - the 900+ miles to Iowa.
This year, I was determined to remember to grab this view heading down and out. 
I'm always a bit wistful at this point, with the miles of High Country stretching behind rather than ahead. 
But my spirits lift knowing it's not a one-time wonder, but a place we can escape to time and again.
Which makes me sad for out-of-state visitors, but glad I live where I do...
and that we have friends-like-family to take along, too.

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