Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"What are we having for dinner tonight?"

Elijah asks me this question every day. Every day! It makes me cringe, it does. It turns a smile upside down. It's the reason my forehead has a crease between my eyebrows. And it has the SAME answer EVERY night..."I don't know." Even if I DO know, I say I DON'T know...simply because I've neither the time nor the energy to answer it.

The time between 3:30 and 5 is painful at my house. Everyone in it needs something of me, from me. The whole world phones me. The clouds open up and pour rain upon me. It's when the dog yarfs on the tile, a solicitor knocks on the door, and the baby throws his snack on the floor. I could cry. I often do whine. And when it's all said and done, dinner's on the table, and the next question inevitably arises: "Mommy, why do you make this? I don't like it!"

Hm-mm. That's a question for a different day.


  1. how did i NOT know that you had a blog?
    i'm a follower for sure. :)

  2. Hey! I found your blog! Fun. I'm a faithful blog follower. PS. 3:30-5pm is a terrible horrible no good very bad hour and a half in every house I know. I save our TV time until then so mommy won't go postal....

  3. yeah all well and good but what are you having for dinner
