Yesterday, this gem turned 24.
The Lovely 47 got together for dinner, destination her choice. Not fancy enough for ya?
Well, we bought her dinner (some dates don't even do that, I remind you).
Of course, it will likely accompany her on a date with this bag's owner...Miss Becca - because she had a birthday just recently and finally received her purse, too.
Yes, yes: I know it's cheesy. Still, I can't help but love that two of the
perfectly-gifted pleasures of my life now have perfectly-paired purses to sport.
Sooooo, the food was good...
and the company, as always, was even better. Which seems fancy enough to me...really, to us all.
The Lovely 47 (l-r: Becca, Lynne, Jess, Michelle "Zee", me)
Cuz she's hysterical. And a giver above and beyond your best, broadest definition of the term. She's a spigot of genuine love and authenticity. With striking eyes that truly are a window to her soul. And what a soul you are, you gorgeous friend.
You remind me why I came up with the term of endearment in the first place.
Because, seriously, folks....
this one's a gem.
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