In that vein, I'm executing a little exercise, here. While I think that love, God-style, goes way beyond one number of people or groups or experiences, I also think that we mustn't fall into the trap of thinking that one number of people or groups or experiences shouldn't be openly acknowledged - by name - in an embrace of gratitude for who they are and how they change us. I am thankful that, during the Month of Love, I celebrated these people and that (thank you, thank you, thank you!) they are the rock stars of my life who so graciously bestow their love, time, energy, companionship, and goodness upon me and mine.
My husband, Craig: merely thinking of who you are brings tears of gratitude to my eyes. Never would I have been so wise to pick you; never have I been more jubilant that God did it for me. You are the love of my life, baby. You. And only you.
My children, Grace, Elijah, and Judsen: if kiddos were elements, they would be my earth, wind, and fire. No doubt about it. They are the salt of my life and, without them, I'd be living a plain, dull, ordinary existence without grand purpose or living design. I gave you life. But you remind me to live.
Bee - I did not know how to be silly until you opened the door within me. Without you, the best parts of who I am as Candy wouldn't see the light of day. You make me better simply by watching you live honestly. Generously. Openly. And without apology.
Amy- your quiet courage and abiding willingness to love beyond yourself feels to me like stars I'll never reach. Yet you remind me to excel because, as your life teaches me, there's nothing better than living crazy love.
Z - you are stellar. Stellar. You're the only who is. Your wit and propensity to see within my soul using only the light of deep wisdom and unrelenting acceptance changes the landscape of me.You teach me good words like "toucas" and remind me there's nothing funnier than a smart woman who occasionally curses.
Jessi - I've known you for what seems like forever. You're the best gem of all for we've lived together, delivered Grace together, read books, gone to college, uprooted our lives, gotten married, and entered motherhood...just to name a few. And still you love me as I love you: you've earned the medal of loyalty for sure. There's simply nothing better once you've met the best.
And for all my friends near and far - some I'm knowing better and better - you all make me want to be the best version of who God's made me. You are 1 Corinthians 13. Alive and breathing. You're the Month of Love. Every month.
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