Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Changing it Up

I'm making some changes to my blog! I've added one gadget, in particular, that I'm excited about. I titled it "Music Me", and you can see it on the sidebar to the right, just below our family pic. Amazon offers this one, and I think it's one of the coolest widgets I've come across in a while. With it, you can create a list of your fave mp3s and post it for your visitors' listening pleasures. Just hit the play icon center in the box; the list launches with the artist and song title at the bottom while a 20 sec (or so) highlight of the tune plays. How great is that?!

Now you can get a true taste of friends' music flavor (which is why I called it Music Me) while you're reading posts and/or catching up on the latest from your greatests! I also like that, should you hear a song you just can't do without, you can click on it, and you'll be automatically redirected to to download it. You can even see how much it is at the bottom before you click. Talk about multitasking...

By the way, if you see a song you introduced to me, all the more fun...Julie, "Love You Madly" by Cake is my newest musical addition. Wink to you. And please pass on your latest raves or classic faves...I'll be sure to take a listen if I don't already know it and would love to add it to my list.

I also added a "Socialable" gadget that lets readers "Share" the post on their personal social networking outlets: there's a list at the right just below the "Followers" box. Now, if you think of a friend who could use a laugh or a buddy who's thinking on the same issue, you can just click where you want to share it, and  - poof! - it'll take you to your login page.

Fun to change it up, eh?

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