The Saturday past was busy. Hectic. A run-around constituting big energy and even bigger coordination. It was taxing and crazy and borderline mayhem.
Or, that's what I thought it would be when I focused on how it looked on paper.
But the Saturday past was actually edifying. Fulfilling. A come-together celebrating big successes and even bigger love. It was satisfying and inspiring and soul-deep gratifying.
That's what I reflected on when I focused solely on what it felt like to my heart.
We started the morning early, as we often do on Saturdays. Usually, I'm heading out to teach my standard all-morning class, but having the semester off has left room for Elijah to play flag football - and have everyone in attendance. Nana (Craig's mom, Sandy) does such exceptional grand-mothering duty: she never missed a game. And Grace and Judsen cheered from the sidelines, too: there's nothing more heartwarming than hearing the wee-est one say to his brother, "Goooooooo Bubbaaaaaaa!" What an example of a pure heart reflecting pure love.
This week was particularly special, though, because it was his last game of the season. He played great: yanking a flag, spiraling a pass, and snagging a great catch for a 10-yard run. But the cherry on his football sundae was that his friend (and ours), KJ, came to see him play. This is his buddy; you know, that way cool single guy who relates to kids incredibly well with a heart that's for fun and play more than homework and chores. (And don't we all need a buddy like that?) What an example of making a gesture to show, really show, someone he matters.
It was also his game to get his medal. His fantastic coach took a different tack than most, though; other coaches kind of hand the medals out willy-nilly. Coach Jeff gave each boy his own medal individually and offered encouragement and praise one-on-one in front of his teammates: Elijah's kudos were about his work ethic, being an all-around player, and having the heart of "I don't care how you use me, Coach. Just put me in the game." What an example of what it looks like to get off the bench for the love of it rather than the "win" of it. And what an example of seeing someone recognize that - and value it deeply.
It was a fast turnaround as we headed off to Grace's piano recital....with KJ still in tow. What an honorary member of Team Covak: he surrendered his Saturday morning to the hustle and bustle of another family's kiddos' big moments - and he loved every minute! What an example of loving family beyond yourself.
Grace played "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" and did just beautifully. What an example of honing a talent for the love of it rather than the mere work of it...and showing that to the world absent of any pretension or arrogance.
And, to top it all off, the world was ending that afternoon. (Since I'm writing this, it obviously did not....what an example of a bunch of idiots.) Mom treated us with an offer to have "The Last Lunch" because hey, if the world's ending anyway, you may as well close it with good food and superb family!

Or, that's what I thought it would be when I focused on how it looked on paper.
But the Saturday past was actually edifying. Fulfilling. A come-together celebrating big successes and even bigger love. It was satisfying and inspiring and soul-deep gratifying.
That's what I reflected on when I focused solely on what it felt like to my heart.
What an example it was of all He's given me.
We started the morning early, as we often do on Saturdays. Usually, I'm heading out to teach my standard all-morning class, but having the semester off has left room for Elijah to play flag football - and have everyone in attendance. Nana (Craig's mom, Sandy) does such exceptional grand-mothering duty: she never missed a game. And Grace and Judsen cheered from the sidelines, too: there's nothing more heartwarming than hearing the wee-est one say to his brother, "Goooooooo Bubbaaaaaaa!" What an example of a pure heart reflecting pure love.
This week was particularly special, though, because it was his last game of the season. He played great: yanking a flag, spiraling a pass, and snagging a great catch for a 10-yard run. But the cherry on his football sundae was that his friend (and ours), KJ, came to see him play. This is his buddy; you know, that way cool single guy who relates to kids incredibly well with a heart that's for fun and play more than homework and chores. (And don't we all need a buddy like that?) What an example of making a gesture to show, really show, someone he matters.
It was also his game to get his medal. His fantastic coach took a different tack than most, though; other coaches kind of hand the medals out willy-nilly. Coach Jeff gave each boy his own medal individually and offered encouragement and praise one-on-one in front of his teammates: Elijah's kudos were about his work ethic, being an all-around player, and having the heart of "I don't care how you use me, Coach. Just put me in the game." What an example of what it looks like to get off the bench for the love of it rather than the "win" of it. And what an example of seeing someone recognize that - and value it deeply.
It was a fast turnaround as we headed off to Grace's piano recital....with KJ still in tow. What an honorary member of Team Covak: he surrendered his Saturday morning to the hustle and bustle of another family's kiddos' big moments - and he loved every minute! What an example of loving family beyond yourself.
Grace played "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" and did just beautifully. What an example of honing a talent for the love of it rather than the mere work of it...and showing that to the world absent of any pretension or arrogance.
And, to top it all off, the world was ending that afternoon. (Since I'm writing this, it obviously did not....what an example of a bunch of idiots.) Mom treated us with an offer to have "The Last Lunch" because hey, if the world's ending anyway, you may as well close it with good food and superb family!
I see more each day how exceptionally blessed I am: I seek that perspective. Crave it. Savor it. Because not every day looks like this.
(notice E's proudly sporting his medal)
Not every day has these fine folks pouring love into our babies.

(that's KJ with the kids)

(that's Gracie's piano teacher, Amy)
In my mind, every day may not be all smiles and giggles, may not be marked with the big triumphs where I feel it's so satisfyingly worth it.
In my mind, every day may not be the one I say, "This was a great day!"
But, in my heart, every day looks just like this one:

Of all He's given me...
what an example.
(that's KJ with the kids)
(that's Gracie's piano teacher, Amy)
In my mind, every day may not be all smiles and giggles, may not be marked with the big triumphs where I feel it's so satisfyingly worth it.
In my mind, every day may not be the one I say, "This was a great day!"
But, in my heart, every day looks just like this one:
Of all He's given me...
what an example.
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