You gotta' want it. Want it bad. And the one you want to have it with has to want it. Want it bad.
When you've found that match, when that formula yields gold, you must hold on to it no matter the price: of this, I can proudly testify.
Which gives days such as this one all the more purpose to party: today is one of my "formula-gold" friend's birthdays.
I don't rightfully know if I could count all the times I've mentioned her on this blog, but my mind's eye and my heart's door can open entire albums of memories and laughs and tears and wins and, yes, even some losses. But she's been with me through thick and thin; I've been with her through sour and sweet. She's one I'll know until I leave this land for heaven's greener pastures. And today is her birthday.
Happy Birthday, sweet Bee. There are no words for the great gift of you in my life.
I can only thank Him for bringing you into it.
You make the hard seem easy...and this, the pictures show.

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