there lives a toddler boy with honeyed hair and blue eyes, lashes so long they're hypnotic. Where he dwells, the word "No-ah" means all forms of the negative from "I just don't care" to "Ain't no way I'm gonna' do that, I don't care WHAT you say!" The view of his world boasts Scooby-Doo anything with little toy cars Vrrrooom!-ing over everything. Every item there is colored "ba-lue", and only that which tickles the most giggles is honored.
But it is the morning - from wee hours to breakfast - when the land is sometimes hard, when ease requires just two beloved essentials: his blankie and his milk. For in the Land of Judd, mornings are not a friend: they begin with a grunt and low whine, a rub of the eyes (one, then two, then 15 times), and necessitate an immediate demand for toddler coffee - aka warm milk with half a packet of Carnation chocolate mix.
In the Land of Judd, the boy has a minion at court (this land calls her "Mommy") who makes the jugs of milk perfectly and promptly. Then comes the blanket because, of course, sometimes mornings are cold in the Land of Judd.

Then all is right in the kingdom where the boy's been bathed in the warmth of milk and the hands of love.
Just another grumpy morning passed...
In the Land of Judd.
But it is the morning - from wee hours to breakfast - when the land is sometimes hard, when ease requires just two beloved essentials: his blankie and his milk. For in the Land of Judd, mornings are not a friend: they begin with a grunt and low whine, a rub of the eyes (one, then two, then 15 times), and necessitate an immediate demand for toddler coffee - aka warm milk with half a packet of Carnation chocolate mix.
In the Land of Judd, the boy has a minion at court (this land calls her "Mommy") who makes the jugs of milk perfectly and promptly. Then comes the blanket because, of course, sometimes mornings are cold in the Land of Judd.
After becoming cocooned in a manner just-so, here's what the toddler boy looks like...morning "cup of joe" in hand:
Then all is right in the kingdom where the boy's been bathed in the warmth of milk and the hands of love.
Just another grumpy morning passed...
In the Land of Judd.
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