Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I don't know: "followers" sounds hinky to me and, as a recent episode of one of my top 5 tv faves quipped, "Hinky...you know, slang for iffy." The idea both of being and of having followers seems a skosh odd, but that's what the world of blogging terms it so...onward.

I say a sincere thank you, thank you, thank you to so many new followers. You are good and faithful friends to encourage and support an endeavor to expand my comfort zone and, hopefully, be a bit better all-around as a result. For the few who've been reading for some time either officially, anonymously, sporatically, or some other "ly", I thank you, too. It seems more like I'm talking to faces than black, empty air which, when chronicaling my life, breeds greater ease and enjoyment of the process.

Hats off to you, dear friends. You continue to make my days. You have my sincere appreciation.

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