Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Journey of Family

We have several events that fall under the category "Christmas Eve Traditions." But this is the one that makes me laugh the hardest and inspires its own category of thanks to God. Three years ago, we invited this large group of people to join us in what we had already been doing since our move back to Colorado in 2001: dinner out on Christmas Eve. It started as a way to treat Craig's mom, but as close relationships with friends have morphed into something far more akin to family (get it, a"kin"), it has become a full-on, all-for-one-and-one-for-all family outing. Here's this year's brood, though a bit blurry....

The Bowles, Covaks, Tycers, and Frayers
(l-r) Logan, Morgan, Grace, Sandy, Charmaine, Michelle, Nicole, Candy, Jared,  
Mitchell, Judsen, Jason, Elijah, Craig, and Al)

Each year, we attend service at Vanguard and all sit together...that's a feat of a long row, for sure, so thanks, Mama Char, for saving those seats! Then we all pile into our cars and hit the restaurant planned for that Eve. Now, this is involved: I usually make the reservations while 10 other people are coordinating phone calls and schedules and disseminating what we affectionately call "The Plan." And, with this bunch, getting that plan together is a holiday miracle: consider that must maintain our individual family, work, and holiday season commitments for that week while also trying to grasp onto some sense of sanity and calm during the season of peace. I say this because, despite the effort, patience, grace, and determination it takes to pull it off, we still do it. Every year.

To me, this says more about our genuine love and commitment to our "family" than any big-bowed present or fancy card. This says, "You matter. God bringing us together in love matters. Celebrating this time of year - the time we party in thanksgiving for the One Who paid our debt - matters. Christmas Eve time and again is now marked with great memories of laughter and flashing cameras and yummy food that's good...but not as great as the family around the table.

Here's some memories from this year.

Jason and Judsen...buddies! 

Craig and his mom, Sandy

It used to be Nic...until God brought her perfect man, Jared. This year, we got to have "The Frayers" join the tradition for the first time.

Jason and Michelle. Love them. That sums it up.

The Three Siblings: Michelle, Mitchell, and Nic

Really, so typical of this group...but notice Mom and Grace haven't quite evolved to the same level of silly mediocrity as the rest of us. Laugh.

And another great friendship formed: Morgan and Grace.

My favorite couple. Wink.

Thank you, God, for this group of people you began forming into family almost 9 years ago: this friendship has withstood time, distance, divorce, marriage, children, disease, hospitalizations, and even death.

But we don't grow deeper in relationship in spite of life events: we grow deeper because of them.

Because depth lays in the journey, not in the outcome...because the outcome is always family.

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