I would rather have a daisy than a rose. A 4Runner than a Mercedes. A flip-flop than a heel. A pencil skirt than a dress. And long instead of short.
I would rather have lip gloss than lipstick. A shower than a bath. A push up over a sit up. And I prefer cross-country to downhill skiing.
I would rather have 3 children than 4. 3 friends than 30. And I'll take a home over any 50 luxury houses offered.
I would rather hear you say "thank you" than give me all the money in your pocket. But I still like it when you buy me a Starbucks.
I would rather adults didn't abuse children. But I won't lose sleep when justice finds those who do.
I would rather live right here than any other place in the world. But I don't mind going back to my roots.
I would rather have God than not. Would rather love and lose than never love at all. I'd rather take today than live in all the yesterdays I've ever had.
And I would rather have one long, hungry stare from my husband across the room than all the world's reddest roses and finest fancies.
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