Thursday, August 4, 2011

Raising Them

Seems the theme of last weekend was "process". Everything's a process: really, if we think about it, our lives are comprised of batches of hours consumed by processes. Sometimes we call them routines (we brush our teeth, wash our faces, select our clothes, fill our coffee mugs to head out the door for work), but processes they still are - steps we take from spot A to reach our goal of spot B.

The processes we like tell as much about us as the processes we don't: my dearest Jessi and I, for example, both like to iron. My friend, Nic, has the most exact process of making her morning cup of coffee - it makes me laugh every time. Let's face it - we're quirky folk! And processes give us an outlet of expression as well as a vehicle to get it done.

But when you introduce the wee ones into any given process...well, now you're really gonna' find out what you're made of. Last Friday, we had planned to set out on a camping adventure with dear friends when an unexpected family commitment took them suddenly out of town. Though Craig and I considered going alone, it fast occurred to us: Why go through the drive and the work of a tent site when we've got the backyard?

It didn't hurt the Schedule of Fun that it was also the last weekend before Back to School arrived, and we determined to say goodbye to summer with a cap of great memories...and a process or two.

So, after surprising the kids with a trip to Kung Fu Panda 2, we headed home - and announced, "Let's go camping!" Shazam! They were shouting and fist-pumping and great joy was to be had in the kingdom. And so began the process. (Btw, thanks to Micah and Becca for loaning the outdoor room for 10!)

First Step: Working as a team to unroll tarp and tent. So far so good.

Then came malleting the stakes...

Erecting the poles...
 Tying and staking the finishing touches...
And - kaboom! - the process was complete!

Now, I don't know exactly how long it took (enough for Craig to work up a good sweat, but not so long we all fell apart...that math is up to you). All three of the kiddos helped fully in steps of the process while Daddy led them all.
Which then came to the "bestest" part of all - loading their room in the tent with all the necessary supplies. Which meant, from the adult perspective, assortments equaling nearly a third of their rooms but, to the kiddos, the mere necessities needed to make it a home.

For this scenario? Whatever brought them joy made us happy, too.
See?! The process was worth it: we worked as a team for a common fun without friction or failure - my definition of success, indeed! But, most of all, I'm reminded of the following truths:

When you introduce the wee ones into any given process...well, now you're really gonna' find out what you're made of.
Turns out, we're made of fun without friction or failure. Which is pretty good. 

Know what else? As our children age, we discover (at least for the most part) that we enjoy a life of processes with them, realizing that every tent or movie or Back to School Day are single processes in the biggest process of all...

raising them.

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