Friday, January 7, 2011

See you on the blog!

With the new year in full swing, I find it's time to start making time (again) for blogging. I consciously took a break for the last few weeks because writing, for me, is sometimes like exercise and weight loss.

The key is to break away from the routine. In so doing, I re-discover that which drew me in the first place - and I relish in the fruits of new exploration. Vacations and sick kiddos are usually the two dominant reasons I end up on "gym recess"; but, when I hit it again, I hit it hard and find myself fitter and trimmer on the other end (and I'm all for the fitter). Writing, for a true writer, often renders the same scenario - and not everyone is a writer. Which is more than okay. A writer compulsively engages artistically weaving language because she has to, I think - no different than how many approach painting, running, playing music, or verbally communicating: in short, they simply are painters, runners, musicians, or speakers...for the sheer joy of it.

But, like any happy compulsion, writing requires I break to locate new inspiration. So here's to 2011 and a whole new year of crafting, not just the written word but the life it attempts to detail.

See you on the blog!

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