Monday, November 1, 2010

5113 Days

Yesterday, Craig and I marked 14 years of marriage.

(Yes, our marriage's birthday is also Halloween and, no, that was not happenstance. Really, is anything with the Covaks happenstance?)

This morning, without any real forethought, I suddenly wondered, "How many days have Craig and I been joined?" Thanks to, I now know the answer: 5113 (as of yesterday). Now, 14 years is cause to shake a tail feather, but 5113 days - that's a journey!

And I wouldn't change a single one. In fact, despite those that have bent us to the ground, I celebrate every one for, truly - beyond ridiculous romantic ramblings or syrupy sentimentalizing - they are a brilliant story filled with chapters on grief, joy, bliss, wisdom, and love. Lots of love. No, I wouldn't change a single one.


We see our marriage as a testament to who we were, who we are, and who we are yet to be: not merely as two people living as one, but as one marriage representing God, Who is surely the Savior of who we were, the Maker of who we are, and the Planner of who we are yet to be.

Each year, I reflect on our wedding vows, remembering sweetly the miracle of that day.
We wrote those lines together - the best gift we've ever given one to the other because, every day, we recall
how we choose our promises.
And how we're giving them life.

And we remember,
most assuredly and truly,
that we have been blessed.

For 5113 days.

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