Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Spring Getaway, Stops #4 & #5

Yes, sorry to say, we're still finishing this. But here goes the last lap...and we'll represent it with the best way to say a lot with few words: pictures.
We went to The Butterfly Pavilion -
we'd been there before, but three years or so ago. Still fun for older kids, by the way. And a mere $14 for our family to enjoy.
Experiencing Judd's wonder of the whole place was the best part...a favorite shared by all.

The best moments are when your children reach out and love each other...just because.

The kids took turns holding Rose, the Tarantula. She tickles. 
Seems a bit like a bummer job for poor Rosie, though. I can't hardly stand being hugged by someone I don't know...passed around for hours would most assuredly be a no-go.

Judsen required multiple trips to the starfish tank..."oooooooooo" was his continued response. Can you believe it's alive?! Crazy.
But boys and their endless zest for adventure and exploration are what allow them to become extraordinary leaders, skilled in resisting the bend of "what-if" pressures. Arranged marriages are open for discussion, if you've got a great little girl you're raising, by the way.
Craig took all the pics this time. I'm so thankful to get a rare shot like this one...truly in the moment....
of following Judsen as a tour guide to the world newly-realized. So love being a mommy...
because I get to have memories like this one.

Before I know it, Elijah will be a man, too. 
And I'll have pics like this one to render memory alive and heart walking.

Being Colorado in springtime, it didn't take long for the weather to turn, though. We left the morning sauna jungle of the butterflies and stepped into the afternoon tundra of snow flurries and wind. This called for game time and, since we so love board games at the Covak Cave, I purchased a new one for our trip. 

The classic Mouse Trap is an oldie but goodie. Ten bucks on sale at Target makes it a bestie. 
Here's the reason we have an engineer in the family, for Elijah put it best: "What the?????"
Could her smiles be any more priceless?

The next day marked our trip home. The days away, though short, were sweet and filled with big fun and bigger love - as all family memories should be. With our contented sighs and craving for a getaway replete (with our pocketbooks still intact), we moseyed on home with a happy farewell...see you in the fall!

1 comment:

  1. You're always so gracious, Sarah. Thanks for following on the journey.
