A few posts back, I focused on how I want to prioritize people that matter. Of course, all people matter, so how does that work? So I decided to keep a little list/journal of sorts that reminded me of ways that I do it on a daily basis. Lest we get our hackles up, however, let me clarify: I did not do this so I can pat myself on the back and say, "Good job there, little lady."
Rather, I did it to encourage myself that the little gestures matter. That I can do even more of them. That all grand gestures start with one little thought. Last night at church, our pastor focused on this very principle. He read Psalm 139 and pointed out that nowhere does using love to make a difference guarantee you'll feel comfortable, immediately rewarded, or even satisfied with the dent you make. I firmly believe having confidence that the little adds up to much is what delineates the giving from the cruel. I mean I really believe that. And if you've ever stood in a customer service line and watched an employee be verbally assaulted by a consumer, you'd believe that, too. If you've ever watched a mother screech at her child in the grocery store and seen the crestfallen features of the son or daughter, you'd believe it, too. If you've ever smiled at the reaction a wife has to unexpected flowers from her husband or a parent's laughter when the caller id notes their away-at-college child thought to phone for no reason...well, you've seen that this is true, too. Not one of us is perfect...no, not one.
But not being perfect doesn't mean we stop trying to do good.
So here's my own progress:
Emailed missing couples from last week's group and told them I missed them. Asked how they were.
Facebooked three people, immediately stopping at the keyboard to offer prayer for their requests.
Gave a student two paper extensions as she struggles to get her addicted mother into a treatment facilty before she dies from an overdose. (People have much bigger problems than mine).
Genuinely celebrated my sister-in-law's news that she's expecting. I never underestimate how good it feels to have someone just be happy for you.
Took a new fitness class with a friend I don't know well; then laughed at our misery and suffering together. Now she's a closer friend.
Said "hello" in the hallway to people I don't know well. But here's the kicker: I looked them in the face, asked them "How are you?" and waited while they replied.
Made cocoa for my kiddos on their first wintery morning and told them the warmth it put in their bellies was how my love for them feels in my heart.
Leaned over in church and told my husband that he makes me feel safe and protected. And that he's the sexiest man on the planet to me. Watched him smile at me in return.
Cried for our adopted soldier because 11 men in his unit were murdered by hostile attacks.
Washed my son's favorite sweatshirt so he could wear it to school...even though I'd just done all his laundry.
Left my husband's favorite truffle flavors in the box my mom sent me...because everything I have is his and everything he has is mine.
Hugged my pregnant friend and told her the newly-sloping tummy is beautiful. And that I can't wait to meet her child and love, love, love her.
Sang "O Come All Ye Faithful" until my head hurt because Grace was nervous about trying out for the Christmas play.
She got the part, by the way.
Little deposits. Big returns.
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