It has been a WEEK! If life were really a grindstone, then my nose this week would be a nub (and based on the size of my schnoz, that's saying somethin'!). Last night, I sat with my husband and just had a good cry.
Ever need one of those? (Guys, I don't know what the parallel is for you...but let it never be said that I don't think you're entirely entitled to a good cry, too).
Weeks like these, nay - months like these - are the fieldstones of soul construction: you either prevail or perish, really. For me, success comes but one way: perspective. And heaps of perspective arrived on my doorstep yesterday.
But here's just one I'll share, one that especially lifted my spirits and reminded me: like a stalwart marker of life's most precious gifts, the sentiments of a child's heart can calm even the most tumultuous waters of life.
Thanks, Jamie (Elijah's first grade teacher and blog reader) for passing this email on:
Ever need one of those? (Guys, I don't know what the parallel is for you...but let it never be said that I don't think you're entirely entitled to a good cry, too).
Weeks like these, nay - months like these - are the fieldstones of soul construction: you either prevail or perish, really. For me, success comes but one way: perspective. And heaps of perspective arrived on my doorstep yesterday.
But here's just one I'll share, one that especially lifted my spirits and reminded me: like a stalwart marker of life's most precious gifts, the sentiments of a child's heart can calm even the most tumultuous waters of life.
Thanks, Jamie (Elijah's first grade teacher and blog reader) for passing this email on:
Oh so today in writing we were using our vocab
words to make our writing more interesting. Here are the words:
concentrate, share, trust, splendid, concerned, member, fortunate. Here
is what E wrote:
I am really happy when I can concentrate on spelling so that I can be splendid at it.
I trust my friends when I share my toys.
I get concerned when my family gets sick.
I trust my friends when I share my toys.
I get concerned when my family gets sick.
I am fortunate to be a member of the Covak family.
Loved his writing today!!!!!! Me, too, Jamie.
Me, too.

Me, too.